Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sing With Our Kids 6 Day Countdown Idea

Here is your Countdown Song Idea of the Day:  Mystery Letter!

Prop: Put a letter in a small box, or a shoe box,  or any container you have handy. If you have a wooden or magnetic letter, great. Otherwise, just draw a letter on a piece of paper and put it in the box. If the letter is paper, put something else in the box so it makes noise when you shake it.


Sing the ABC Song with the kids. 
Then tell them you have a mystery letter in the box, and you're going to sing the ABC song again but you're going to stop when you get to the letter. Sing slowly shaking the box once for every letter, the kids singing with you. The sound of the letter in the box really peaks their interest! When you get to the letter, make a big deal of stopping and freezing. Then ask the kids what letter you stopped at... 

I have a "J" in my box. I then asked the kids if any of them had a "J" in their names, and we sang two of my songs with "J''s". JUMP, and To Market, To Market, both on www.Nancymusic.com. . Both have printable pages with pictures, letters, and words. But you could just as easily read a book about something that starts with "J" (or whatever letter you have in the box).

Here's the link for JUMP  http://nancymusic.com/SOM/2010/jump.htm

This activity has been a real hit because of the mystery element! And it helps children understand that the ABC song is made of separate letters. Encourage parents to do the same thing at home with letters in a box, and a book or song. Easy and fun! (I knew this was a good idea today when I finished a concert and the librarian said, "That's a great idea- I'm going to steal it!"

And here is your friendly reminder that the Indiegogo fundraiser ends in 6 days. So if you have already donated, thank you thank you! If you haven't, you can click here to learn more about the project and make a donation. 

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