Monday, August 20, 2012

Countdown 12 Days!

Today's Preview of the Sing With Our Kids website: Let's re-define free!

Okay, I have to reiterate what I think is the most important feature of the Sing With Our Kids website. It will be totally free. But let's define free..

In looking for resources to add to the webiste, I spent an hour last night, trying to access some "free" materials. After clicking past 4 pop-up windows, 2 re-directions, and finally landing on a request for creating a "free" account with password, blah, blah, blah, I got SO frustrated, I bailed. The information may have been reallly great, and there may not have been any dollar cost, but my time is NOT free! And I'm guessing neither is yours! I am passionate about offering truly free songs, information, and materials with absolutely no strings attached,and that incldues no ads to click past or invitations for sign-up or anything else. Because I know how I feel when I've been sucked into a time warp where I attempt to do something quick and easy, only to look up at the clock and see I have lost a precious hour of my life! If you have ever used my current artist website (, you know I truly do offer free songs and printable materials with no strings attached. 

SIngWIthOurKids will be bigger, better organized, more compreshensive, and yes- REALLY free.Free of monetary cost, and free of wasted time. I have been doing this for eleven years, so I already have a track record. And you have me personally to be held accountable! I can testify that I have more than once, gone to download one of my own songs for a concert or workshop literally on my way out the door, and been able to do it. We need to re-define free. Free from monetary cost, and your time- so you can get on with the important work of singing with our kids!

How can I afford do this? 

As you already know if you've been following the project previews, I'll do as much of the project as I can for free. This includes events, classes, and workshops, and appearances for the  live project, and recording, videotatping and writing website content. Building the website is the one thing I can't do myself. So I will have an Indiegogo Internet fundraiser from September 1st-30th, to raise funds to build the website. I expect to fund it fully, but if the fundraiser falls short, I'll fund it personally.. So either way, using the website will be free, and the Indiegogo fundraiser will not impact that. 

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