Friday, August 3, 2012

Countdown 29 Days!

Today’s preview of the Sing With Our Kids website:

Of all the things the project will accomplish, here is the one I’m most excited about… There will be a song library with hundreds of songs you can download and use for free. Okay, you say, that’s great. But here’s what makes this unique and so exciting. Every song  will have a page you can print out and post that says, “This week we are singing (title of song)” It will have a QR code that will take you right to the song. So parents, babyesitters, and nannies,  can read the code with their smart phones, and have immediate access to the song!  Of course they can also look up the song on the alphabetical list on the website. But having this simple tool will mean:
1.         Teachers can post songs they are using so parents can download and sing them at home
2.         Librarians who use these songs in story times can give parents a way to sing them at home
3.         Grandparents who live near or far away from their grandchildren can download  and sing the same songs with their grandchildren on the phone, or when Skyping.
Using this simple tool, all of the adults in a child’s life can sing the same songs- together! And if you’ve ever had a young child ask you to sing his or her favorite song from school (and you didn’t know it), you will know this is huge!  Check back tomorrow for another upcoming feature of the Sing With Our Kids project website!

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